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2 Thessalonians: Commendation, correction and counsel
A. Commendation for faithfulness, 1:1-12
- Greetings, 1:1-2
- Thanksgiving, 1:3-10
- His sense of obligation to give thanks
- Their endurance as evidence of God’s righteous judgement
- Prayer, 1:11-12
B. Correction concerning the day of the Lord, 2:1-15
- A word of comfort, 2:1-2
- A word of correction, 2:3-12
- The apostasy will come first
- The man of sin will be revealed
- The restraint will be taken away
- The man of lawlessness
- The strong delusion
- A word of thanks, 2:13-15
C. Pastoral prayer, 2:16-17
- That He will comfort your hearts
- That He will establish you in every good word and work
D. Counsel, 3:1-15
- A word of encouragement, 3:1-5
- His request for prayer
- His confidence in the Lord
- His confidence in them
- His desire for them
- A word of exhortation, 3:6-15
- His command to the church
- His example
- His concern
- His command to the disorderly
- His instructions to the church
E. Pastoral prayer, 3:16
- May the Lord Himself give you peace
- May the Lord be with you