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Acts: You will be My witnesses
A. Beginning in Jerusalem, ch. 1-7
Mainly Jewish, with focus on Peter’s ministry
- The ascension of Christ, 1:1-11
- The appointment of Matthias, 1:12-26
- The Day of Pentecost, 2
- The lame man healed, 3-4
- Growth and persecution of the church, 5
- Stephen, 6-7
B. In all Judea and Samaria, ch. 8-12
Transitional, with focus on Peter and Philip’s ministry
- Philip, 8
- Saul’s conversion, 9:1-30
- Peter and Dorcas, 9:31-43
- Peter and Cornelius, 10-11
- Peter and Herod, 12
C. To the ends of the earth, ch. 13-28
Mainly Gentile, focus on Paul’s ministry
- Paul the missionary, 13:1-21:14
- First missionary journey, 13-14
- Council in Jerusalem, 15
- Second missionary journey, 16:1-18:22
- Third missionary journey, 18:23-21:14
- Paul the prisoner, 21:15-28:31
- Arrest in Jerusalem, 21:15-36
- Defense before the Jews, 21:37-23:10
- Sent to Caesarea, 23:11-35
- Defense before Felix, 24
- Defense before Festus, 25-26
- The voyage to Rome, 27-28
Purpose of Acts
- Historical: to show the historical accuracy of the founding of the Church.
- Christological: Christ is building His church through the Spirit He poured out.
- Eschatological: This same Jesus will so come and establish His kingdom.
- Pneumatological: Fulfilment of the Lord’s promise to baptize in the Holy Spirit.
- Missiological: “You shall be My witnesses… to the ends of the earth”
- Apologetical: Defense of the faith before Jews, Gentiles, and kings.
Chronology of Paul’s Life
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