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Daniel: God’s Greatness and Sovereignty
Historical, 1-6 Daniel’s Victories | Prophetic, 7-12 Daniel’s Visions | ||
Nebuchadnezzar, 1-4 | Belshazzar, 5 | Darius, 6 | 4 beasts & the Ancient of Days, 7 |
Daniel’s convictions, 1 | Daniel’s confrontation | Daniel’s constancy | Ram & male goat, 8 |
Daniel’s competence, 2 | Daniel’s prayer & Gabriel’s revelation of 70 weeks, 9 | ||
Daniel’s companions, 3 | Concerning Persia & Greece, 10 | ||
Daniel’s compassion, 4 | Concerning the kings of the North & South, 11 | ||
Great Tribulation & Resurrection, 12 |
Major characters
- Daniel (“God is my judge”); name changed to Belteshazzar (“Bel protect the king”)
- Hananiah (“The Lord is gracious”); name changed to Shadrach (“Command of Aku”)
- Mishael (“Who is like the Lord?”); name changed to Meshach (“Who is what Aku is?”)
- Azariah (“The Lord is my helper”); name changed to Abed-Nego (“Servant of Nego/Nebo”)
- Nebuchadnezzar (“Prince of the god Nebo” or “Nebo protect the crown”)
- Belshazzar, “Bel protect the king”
- Darius (“restrainer or supporter”) the Mede
- Cyrus (“sun”) the Persian
Major themes
- Prophecy
- Greatness of God
- Sovereignty of God
- Omniscience of God
- Future events
- Pride of man
- Angels
Christ in all the Scriptures
- Messianic kingdom, 2:44-45
- One like the Son of Man, 3:25
- Messiah the Prince, 9:25-26
Visions in Daniel
Great Image, 2:31-45 | 4 Great Beasts, 7:3-27 | Ram & the Goat, 8:3-26 | Symbolises |
head of gold | lion with eagle’s wings | Babylonian Empire | |
chest & arms of silver | bear with 3 ribs in its mouth | ram with 2 horns | Medo-Persian Empire |
belly & thighs of bronze | leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads | male goat with large horn; horn is broken and 4 notable ones come up | Grecian Empire |
legs of iron | dreadful & terrible beast, different from all the others; iron teeth & 10 horns | Roman Empire | |
feet partly iron, partly clay | another horn, a little one; 3 of the first 10 plucked up by little horn | Revived Roman Empire | |
Destroyed by stone cut without hands | One like the Son of Man coming with clouds of heaven, given an everlasting kingdom | Millennial Kingdom of Christ |
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