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John: Life in His Name
A. The prologue: The Word is the source of all life, 1:1-18
- The Word as the Source of Life, 1:1-3
- The Word as the Source of Light, 1:4-13
- The source of the Light, v. 4
- The function of the Light, v. 5
- The witness to the Light, vv. 6-8
- The universality of the Light, v. 9
- The response to the Light, vv. 10-13
- The Word as the Source of Love, 1:14-18
- The Word became flesh, v. 14a
- The Word dwelt among us, v. 14b
- The Word dispenses grace, vv. 16-17
- The Word reveals the Father, v. 18
B. Christ’s public ministry: The Word offers eternal life, 1:19-12:50
1.Reception of the Word, 1:19-4:54
By the disciples
- Revelation of the Lamb of God, 1:19-28
- Revelation of the Son of God, 1:29-51
- Revelation of the glory of Christ, 2:1-11
- Revelation of the zeal of Christ, 2:12-22
By the Jews, Samaritans, and Gentiles
- The offer of life to Nicodemus, 3:1-21
- John’s joy at Christ’s popularity, 3:22-36
- The offer of life to the Samaritan woman, 4:1-26
- The reception of life by the Samaritan people, 4:27-42
- The restoration of life to the nobleman’s son, 4:43-54
2. Rejection of the Word, 5:1-12:50
Rejection of the Son of God
- Opposition arises from healing the lame man, 5:1-15
- Rejecting His claim of unique Sonship, 5:16-30
- Rejecting the manifold witnesses to His Sonship, 5:31-47
Rejection of the bread of life
- A shallow faith: The feeding of the 5000, 6:1-15
- Accepting His blessings
- Accepting Him as a Prophet, v. 14
- Accepting Him as a King, v. 15
- His disciples receive Him: Walking on the water, 6:16-21
- Exposing their motives: The bread of life discourse, 6:22-59
- A deep faith: You have the words of eternal life, 6:60-71
Rejection of the Christ
- By His brothers, 7:1-9
- By the people, 7:10-30
- By the religious leaders, 7:31-52
Rejection of the light of the world
- The woman taken in adultery, 8:1-12
- The Pharisees reject His testimony, 8:13-30
- The Jews reject His words, work and identity, 8:31-59
- The Pharisees reject the sign of the blind man, 9:1-41
Rejection of the good shepherd
- His claim to be the good shepherd, 10:1-2
- His gracious provision for His sheep, 10:2-18
- The Jews accuse Him of blasphemy, 10:19-39
- A Jewish remnant believes, 10:40-42
Rejection of the resurrection and the life
- The revelation of His purposes, 11:1-16
- The revelation of His identity, 11:17-27
- The revelation of His heart, 11:28-38
- The revelation of His power, 11:39-44
- The rejection of His revelation, 11:45-12:11
Rejection of the Son of Man
- His presentation as King, 12:12-19
- His anticipation of suffering, 12:20-36
- His warning of judgment, 12:37-50
C. Christ’s private ministry: The Word explains eternal life, 13:1-17:26
- Love demonstrated in humble servanthood, 13:1-30
- By washing their feet, 13:1-17
- By His dealings with Judas, 13:8-30
- Love expressed in gracious promises, 13:36-14:31
- His impending glorification, 13:31-38
- Reception in the Father’s house, 14:1-6
- Revelation of the Father’s nature, 14:7-11
- Access to the Father’s power, 14:12-14
- Communion with the Triune God, 14:15-24
- Comfort from the Triune God, 14:25-31
- Love expressed in fruitful obedience, 15:1-17
- The Father’s tender care of the branches, 15:1-3
- The branches’ utter dependence on the Vine, 15:4-6
- The Father glorified by fruitful branches, 15:7-8
- Experiencing joy by abiding in Christ’s love, 15:9-17
- Love experienced in hostile conditions, 15:18-16:33
- Preparing them for hatred from the world, 15:18-25
- Promising them help from the Spirit, 15:26-16:15
- Promising them help from the Father, 16:16-28
- Promising victory over the world, 16:29-33
- Love expressed in sweet communion, 17:1-26
- The Lord prays for Himself– satisfaction (key idea: glory), 17:1-8
- The Lord prays for the apostles– security (key idea: keep), 17:9-19
- The Lord prays for the Church– service (key idea: unity), 17:20-26
D. Christ’s passion: The Word provides eternal life, 18:1-20:31
- The Messiah willingly submits to His accusers, 18:1-40
- His betrayal and arrest, 18:1-11
- The Lord is led to Annas, 18:12-14
- Peter denies the Lord, 18:15-18
- His trial before Annas, 18:19-24
- Peter again denies the Lord, 18:25-27
- His trial before Pilate, 18:28-38
- Not this man, but Barabbas, 18:39-40
- The Messiah lays down His life, 19:1-42
- The rejected King, 19:1-16
- The crucified King, 19:17-24
- The compassionate King, 19:25-27
- The victorious King, 19:28-30
- The pierced King, 19:31-37
- The burial of the King, 19:38-42
- The Messiah takes up His life and gives life, 20:1-31
- The empty tomb, 20:1-10
- Mary sees the Lord, 20:11-18
- Jesus appears to ten apostles, 20:19-20
- Jesus commissions the apostles, 20:21-23
- Doubting Thomas believes, 20:24-29
- That you might believe, 20:30-31
E. The epilogue: The disciples experience eternal life, 21:1-25
- Jesus reveals Himself at the shore, 21:1-14
- Jesus restores Peter for service, 21:15-19
- John testifies to the Lord, 21:20-25