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Zechariah: The King is Coming
Eight Visions, 1-6 | Four Messages, 7-8 | Two Burdens, 9-14 |
Intro: Return to Me, 1:1-6 | Intro: Should we fast? 7:1-3 | 1. Against the nations, 9-11 |
1. Horses, 1:7-17 | 1. Why did you fast, 7:4-7 | The Lord will defend Judah, 9:1-8 |
2. Horns, 1:18-21 | 2. Exile explained, 7:8-14 | Your King is coming, 9:9-10 |
3. Measuring line, 2 | 3. Promise of restoration, 8:1-17 | The Lord will save His people, 9:11-10:12 |
4. High priest, 3 | 4. Fasts to feasts, 8:18-23 | The rejection of the Shepherd-King, 11:1-17 |
5. Lampstand, 4 | 2. Against Israel, 12-14 | |
6. Flying scroll, 5:1-4 | The nations gather against Jerusalem, 12 | |
7. Woman in a basket, 5:5-11 | False religion removed, 13 | |
8. 4 chariots, 6:1-8 | Day of the Lord, 14:1-15 | |
High priest crowned, 6:9-15 | Millennial Kingdom, 14:16-21 |
Major Characters
- Zechariah (“Yahweh remembers”), son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo. He was a Levite born in Babylon (Neh. 12:1, 16).
- Zerubbabel, governor of Judah
- Joshua, the high priest
Major words/phrases
- Lord of hosts (46x)
- Angel of the Lord (6x)
- Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me to you, 2:9, 11; 4:9; 6:15
- Word of the Lord (13x)
- Thus says the Lord [of hosts] (21x)
- in that day (20x – 17x in ch. 12-14)
- I will (54x)
- Jerusalem (42x)
Major themes
- Restoration
- Messianic Kingdom
The Visions Explained
- Horses – God sees & knows conditions on earth & will intervene
- Horns & craftsmen – God will judge the Gentile world powers
- Measuring line – Jerusalem will be rebuilt & inhabited
- High priest – Restoration of priestly office, ultimately through the Branch
- Lampstand – Israel will be a light to the nations
- Flying scroll – Judgement by the Law fully implemented
- Woman in a basket – Removal of “idolatrous and mercenary religion” back to Babylon
- Four chariots – Divine judgement on the Gentile nations
Christ in all the Scriptures
- The Branch, 3:8; 6:12
- The Angel of the Lord, 1:11-12; 3:1-6
- The Shepherd, 11:1-17; 13:7-9
- The King, 14:1-21
- Triumphal entry, 9:9
- The betrayal by Judas, 10:12-13